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Internet entrepreneur and digital rights activist Kim Dotcom congratulated his Twitter followers on buying Bitcoin in 2018.

The founder of closed file-sharing site Megaupload, dated August 17, also congratulated his followers, who profited from rising gold prices.

“Get Bitcoin and Gold”

Dotcom told his followers to buy Bitcoin and gold in August 2018. Dotcom said he believed the US dollar would be “devalued” and that a “US economic collapse” was imminent. The entrepreneur thinks this will crack down on all old currencies:

“Time will become more difficult. But if you prepare some of your assets for collapse, nothing will happen to you. The big collapse comes at 100 percent.”

One user who disagreed with Dotcom’s post said he followed his advice, saying his followers had done nothing but buy “more useless papers.” “I think it’s New around here,” Dotcom tells the user. answered that.

Bitcoin hovered above $ 12,000 at the time of writing, while gold has seen levels higher than $ 2,000 in recent weeks.

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