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Hackers who attacked popular e-baby site may be asking for 300 bitcoin..

E-Bebek (E-baby), one of the leading eCommerce platforms in Turkey, has been experiencing problems for several days. Many E-baby users say they have had difficulty accessing the site since yesterday. When we try to access the site right now, we see a message that there is a problem with the server that e-Bebek is using.

The message we received when we visited E-Bebek’s homepage;

They want a ransom.

The e-bebek team has not yet released a detailed statement about this problem on the server. But looking at the social media shares of the e-baby team, we learn that an “update” is currently being made on the site, which is being worked out to “make it short.”

Claim: hackers who attacked e-baby Site want 20 million pounds of Bitcoin

Although no detailed explanation has yet come from E-baby, several allegations about the incident have started to swirl on social media. Many social media users have been hit by E-baby’s hack attack, suggesting the attackers wanted a ransom of 300 bitcoins (almost 20 million pounds). But the e-baby team has yet to issue a response confirming or falsifying those claims.

Claim: hackers who attacked e-baby Site want 20 million pounds of Bitcoin

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