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Celebrities such as former US President Barack Obama, US presidential candidate Joe Biden and Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were hacked on Twitter yesterday, as is known, and Bitcoin tweets were shared from accounts.

However, these tweets were intended for fraud. In the tweets, followers were asked to send Bitcoin to the specified address, double the amount they would be sent back if they did. This is a method of fraud that has been widely used in the cryptocurrency market for several years, such as Twitter and Youtube. Yesterday’s attackers also collected 15 BTC in a matter of hours. The value of these BTCS is 140 thousand dollars at current prices.

Twitter blocked the tweet sharing of verified accounts for some time after the scandal erupted, locking down accounts. The accounts in question were reactivated and a statement came from Joe Biden.

“I don’t have bitcoin and I will never ask you to send it”

Biden shared the Evening Post, ” I don’t have Bitcoin and I will never ask you to send Bitcoin. But if you want to help Donald Trump become a one-term president, you can do it here.” and made statements to his own campaign.

The Tweet was soon liked by nearly 40 thousand users and re-tweeted by 7,500 users.

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