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While the value of Bitcoin is rising, investors are looking forward to it. Taking the wind behind it, Bitcoin can also bring a continuation of the growing stock market, so it takes investors on a roller coaster ride. Bitcoin, which has been under discussion since its first release date, also signals that this boom may continue. Today, though its effects continue, Bitcoin, as confident as possible, is making its voice heard by countries in a lush way. The silence before the storm is unknown, but the system, which has managed to draw millions into it, provides access to more users with ease as its value increases day by day. For this reason, it is also becoming an open target for fraudsters and hackers. The benefits of cryptocurrency are that the bank is also without control and by a government and unregulated.

The principles to be considered are;


In 2017, South Korean authoritarians attempted to get ahead of them, with some unveiling an exchange called BitKRX. Although this platform presents itself as the best trading system in the market, it has seized the resources of investors. To avoid these, it is necessary to be surprised by the major known Bitcoin exchanges.


Those who have seen the Babylonian show, maybe they know what we mean. I’m talking about the Ponzi scheme. Millions have been conned through this chain. How do you say it is a rigged system first implemented by Charles Ponzi in the 1900s? The goal of this system is a system that promises investors to earn high rates with very little risk. It is based on a system that meets the cash needs of old investors in this way through new investors. It sort of transfers investors ‘ money to each other. The schematic process at this saye is also progressing along the way. After the money order is finished, the schematic system is dissolved.


By e-mail or by calling you and saying that you owe money, they send you transactions through the accounts. This system, which has been going on many times or today, has been successful for fraudsters. For this reason, the form of payment in bitcoin is requested through this route. In order to prevent this deception, the necessary authorities are not to rely on the outside. No authority or organization will bother you for Bitcoin and cash.


Malicious software is one of the methods that hackers can easily access. From downloaded files to entered websites, an easy path chart is followed, but passwords are easily obtained. If your bitcoin wallet is connected on the internet, it will be an inevitable opportunity to be accessed. This system, which is common, continues, but is clearly targeted by fraudsters. In order not to fall victim to these methods, a more careful path must be drawn.

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