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These bitcoins, held in the form of 50 BTC at 20 separate addresses, were first collected at 35drqxcbmbe3erbcue791,89jvb2vwsji4. From here, it was sent to numerous addresses, most of which were divided into 10.

These BTCS, which have been dormant for 10 years, are thought to belong to a single person.

Some of the Bitcoins went to the Free Software Foundation

A more detailed examination of the transactions revealed that some of the BTCS transferred today went to a wallet belonging to the Free Software Foundation.

The foundation was founded in 1985 by Richard Matthew Stallman. Stallman, an American Free Software activist, is also the founder of the GNU Project and the Alliance for programming Freedom.

How much Bitcoin was produced in 2010?

2010 was Bitcoin’s second year. Bitcoin, as it is known, was launched in January 2009.

In 2010, 67 thousand 920 blocks were removed, and thus 3 million 396 thousand BTC was produced. At the time, the prize amount for each block was 50 BTC. The current dollar equivalent of the number of Bitcoins produced in 2010 is 38 billion 714 million dollars.


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