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Paper purses or paper wallet, protects Bitcoins from cyber attacks, malware, etc. it is considered an extremely safe way to keep away from disasters. You can store your Bitcoins offline as banknotes by printing a paper wallet. But you can’t use these paper purses like normal currency. The information stored in the paper wallet includes the public key that allows money to be transferred to this wallet, and the access to fund expenditures private key. Bitcoins can’t be stored offline, you just store Bitcoin addresses offline.

This cold storage formula gives users a tremendous security advantage. The user is less effective in this way than cyber attacks and malware because their private key is unlikely to be effective in these and similar ways. Of course, the security of these physical documents cannot be guaranteed. If a malicious person discovers the location of your paper wallet. For this, you also need to hide your paper wallets nicely. Next to these, your paper wallets disappear. Even incorrect paper printer inks can damage your paper wallet.

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