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One of the digital currencies, the Senso Token, is listed on the cryptocurrency table, which HitBTC that operates. With this move, Sensorium digital unit, which is intended to be expanded and made available to users, unique 3D technology Sensorium Galaxy with the trend is also observed. HitBTC, on the other hand, is one of the popular cryptocurrency exchanges, with a top 10 ranking.

The Sensorium Galaxy Project aims to pave the way for users to purchase game content and make purchases in content, etc. The 3D virtual environment technology offered by developers makes it attractive to use it to create activity as well as unique environments. The supported unit is via SENSO / USDT. “This list, together with the increase in HitBtc, also paves the way for ambitious growth plans, ” said Communications Officer Brian Kean.

Sensorium experience prepared the way for 3D technology to the project that belong to the Galaxy, and that they are in talks with venues and artists, and best known for as this technology evolves, although he states that the goal is to reach millions of users in the world are in crypto currencies and that this would be significant in the future this change will be reflected through the commitment of faith with the words of power added.

HitBTC is a crypto unit whose platform has large trading space. It was established in 2013 but offers many services. In terms of reliability, it is reported that the organization with encryption technology, along with reliable storage, also has a tight build of reliability. The HitBTC platform is also prominent with its offering of a dual factor authentication system. Sensorium platform, Corporation, along with Redpill VR, makes the Virtual Reality platform rich with Sensorium Galaxy technology, which enables seamless transmission of virtual reality through users around the world.

This platform envisions a radical change in the experience of the virtual reality market, which is beyond the previously experienced feeling of the users. Sensorium Galaxy interacts with a live one-to-one stream of events ,or the platform accessed from a file.

Sensorium Galaxy does not, however, avoid pointing out an evolution of the social platform as well; not only will users not be limited to the one-dimensional system, but the virtual environment will not only allow for special interaction with friends and other users, Sensorium Galaxy will give users a distinct taste of the different options of the social platform and the changing themes.

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